Monthly Archives: February 2022

What Does My Exhaust Smoke Mean?

What Does My Exhaust Smoke Mean?

Typically, when you see exhaust spewing out of your car's tailpipe, you should investigate it. It can sometimes signal problems and sometimes be completely harmless. The color of the vapors itself can be very telling of the inner workings of your engine. So if you see white, blue, or black smoke coming out of your tailpipe, read on to find out what they mean. White smoke - If your exhaust smoke is light and almost translucent, it is probably just condensation. However, excessive white smoke may be more concerning. It typically suggests that the engine is burning an excessive amount of coolant. In other words, you most likely have a coolant leak that has escaped into the pistons. To mitigate the risks of engine overheating, please bring your car to a trusted auto repair shop for an inspection right away.  Blue smoke - On the other hand, blue smoke typically points to an oil leak due to worn valves, O-rings, or gaskets. The engine may be burning the motor oil with the fuel and ... read more