Tag Archives: BMW Oil Filter

How To Know If Your BMW Needs A New Oil Filter

How To Know If Your BMW Needs A New Oil Filter

How To Know If Your BMW Needs A New Oil Filter The oil filter's primary job is to remove contaminants from the engine oil. Over time, as your engine runs, different particles can accumulate in the oil. If these impurities are not filtered out, they can cause significant damage to your engine components. The oil filter ensures that only clean, lubricating oil circulates through the engine, reducing friction and extending the life of your BMW. Why Does The Oil Filter In BMW Clog? BMW oil filters, like those in many other vehicles, can become clogged for several reasons. Understanding these factors can help you take preventive measures and address issues promptly to maintain your BMW's engine health. Here are some common reasons why BMW oil filters can become clogged: Contaminant Accumulation: One of the primary r ... read more


BMW Repair

How Often Should You Change Your BMW's Oil Filter in Johnston?

How Often Should You Change Your BMW's Oil Filter in Johnston?

BMWs are known for their high-performance engines, and one key component of keeping these stellar engines running smoothly is the oil filter. The oil filter helps to remove impurities from the engine oil, and it also helps to regulate the oil flow. BMWs have a special type of oil filter called a micro-filter, which is designed to trap very small particles. This helps to keep the engine clean and prevent damage over time. In order to change the BMW oil filter, the engine oil must be drained and the new filter must be inserted. It is important to follow the BMW service schedule in order to keep the engine in top condition and running as designed. Let's look at some signs of oil filter problems and discuss why oil filters fail.   Indications That Your Oil Filter Ne ... read more


BMW Repair