Monthly Archives: July 2022

What Are the Symptoms of Dirty Fuel Injectors?

What Are the Symptoms of Dirty Fuel Injectors?

Sometimes fuel injectors can get dirty despite consistent efforts to keep them clean using fuel injector cleaners. Dirty fuel injectors can lead to problems like engine stalling, a rough idle, and poor fuel consumption stats. So how can you tell your vehicle needs its fuel injectors cleaned? You should first understand fuel injectors' role in your car's design. Fuel injectors allow the right amount of fuel into your engine's cylinders. They form a regulator for how much fuel your engine gets for perfect motion. If your fuel injectors are dirty, you will notice; 1. The Car Will Not Start Your engine depends on air and fuel to combust and produce the power to be propelled forward. It may also be possible that the car does not have gas, so dirty fuel injectors should not be your first conclusion when your vehicle does not start. 2. Rising Fuel Consumption Brand new fuel injectors should give you fuel consumption rates. These rates should ... read more