Monthly Archives: November 2022

5 Common Misconceptions Concerning Car Maintenance

5 Common Misconceptions Concerning Car Maintenance

There’s always going to be that one relative or random online article that claims they know the best practices when it comes to keeping vehicles in great shape. It can be hard to distinguish what is best, especially for your car’s specific make and model. Every car is different, right? Your habits may also look different depending on what you look for in a vehicle: efficiency or performance or a balance of both.  We’re here to help you set the record straight – we’ll be going over the top 5 common misconceptions about auto maintenance.  Change Your Oil Every 3000 Miles - 3,000 miles seems a long-time magic number in the automotive industry. While some auto shops still push this idea on customers, it is simply no longer a standard. Many newer vehicles with better engines can last up to 5,000 - 10,000 miles between oil change services, as they tend to use semi- or fully synthetic oils. The best way to ensure peak performance and save money on yo ... read more